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Lexicon Manual

The place to learn everything about Lexicon. Be sure to read about the Lexicon workflow.

Hotkeys (Keyboard Shortcuts)

The music player is intended to be your primary music player, connected directly to your DJ library.

There are hotkeys for almost anything, you can change these in the settings.

By default, the following hotkeys are available:

SPACE: Play/pause

Z: Previous track in queue

X: Next track in queue

C: Cue

There are many more hotkeys, you can set them up in the settings.

You can also display hotkeys inside Lexicon whenever they are available by turning the Show keyboard shortcuts setting on.

Global Hotkeys

You can change hotkeys to be global (system wide) so they work anywhere, even if you can't see Lexicon. This is perfect to listen to your music while doing something else. You can even beat jump without seeing the track, perfect to go through tracks quickly.

Global hotkeys do not perform their original function anymore, so it's best to set up global hotkeys with modifiers that you don't often.

Mouse shortcuts

You can double-click on the waveform to go there. This makes setting cues easier than dragging a waveform to that position.

You can SHIFT click on a cue to move that cue to the current (quantized) position.

You can CTRL click to delete a cue.

You can hold the SHIFT button to drag the waveform extra slow. This is useful if you need that extra precision.