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Lexicon Manual

The place to learn everything about Lexicon. Be sure to read about the Lexicon workflow.

Conversion Limitations

There are a few limitations when converting between DJ apps since not every DJ app has every feature or uses it in the same way.


Traktor does not have colored cue points so any colors on your cue points will not be visible in Traktor.

Last Played

Rekordbox does not store last played date.

Serato & Engine DJ Playlist Folders

Serato and Engine DJ both allow tracks inside playlist folders. Other DJ apps and Lexicon do not allow this so any track directly inside a folder will not be visible in the Lexicon playlist folder or when converting to any other DJ app.

Remix Sets

Traktor remix sets are not currently supported.


There are a few limitations and incompatibilties when using Rekordbox, you can read more about that here.


Serato FLIP is not currently supported.

Serato currently does not support streaming tracks (Beatport, Tidal, etc) in crates. So if your playlists contain streaming tracks in Lexicon, you will not see those in Serato because Serato is simply unable to do that right now. This will no doubt change in the future. If you use streaming tracks, make sure the correct streaming track service is enabled in the Serato settings or those streaming tracks will not show up in Serato.