Truly limitless possibilities.
Lexicon does not dictate the way you have to use it.
With a huge amount of features, the possibilities are endless. Use it the way you want.
Works on macOS Catalina and up. Apple Silicon (M1) supported. May work on older versions but not officially supported.
Works on Windows 10 / 11 (64 bit). May work on older versions but not officially supported.
Lexicon Mobile for iOS & Android lets you manage your DJ library on the go.Read more
Rekordbox 5, 6 & 7 fully supported.Read more
Serato DJ Pro & Serato DJ Lite fully supported.Read more
Traktor Pro 3 & Traktor Pro 4 fully supported.Read more
VirtualDJ fully supported.Read more
Engine DJ fully supported.Read more
iTunes fully supported.Read more
MP3, MP4, WAV, FLAC, AIFF, OGG, M4A, AAC supported.
Cloud Storage & Backup
Upload your Lexicon library to the Lexicon cloud to keep it safe.Read more
Upload your music to the Lexicon cloud to keep it safe.Read more
Convert your library from any DJ app to Rekordbox.
Convert your library from any DJ app to Serato.
Convert your library from any DJ app to Traktor.
Convert your library from any DJ app to VirtualDJ.
Convert your library from any DJ app to Engine DJ.
Convert one or more playlists.
Merge multiple libraries from any DJ app into one library.
Convert your musical, Open Key or Camelot Keys to the Open Key format.Read more
All smart/intelligent playlists are converted between all DJ apps.
Full conversion of Beatport, Beatsource, Tidal and SoundCloud tracks supported.
Export fields that your DJ app does support to a different field of your choice.Read more
Replace streaming tracks in your library with the purchased track and keep your cues.Read more
Library & Playlist Management
Use the Energy field to add more information to your tracks.
Use the Danceability field to add more information to your tracks.
Use the Popularity field to add more information to your tracks.
Use the Happiness field to add more information to your tracks.
Create smartlists with many different rules to find any track you need.Read more
Set up completely custom tags to add to your tracks.Read more
Use the Watch Folder to let Lexicon automatically import tracks.Read more
Automatically move tracks from the Watch Folder to a target folder of your choice.Read more
Use the Incoming tracks as a todo list of your new tracks.Read more
Archive your least used tracks and let Lexicon clean it up for you.Read more
Edit your tracks thousands at a time.Read more
Edit your tracks with special recipes for specific DJ problems.Read more
Update your music file ID3 tags to match your Lexicon library.Read more
Add or remove album art in bulk.Read more
Open your tracks and playlists side-by-side.Read more
Always show your favorited playlists and add tracks to them with hotkeys.
Start typing and find your tracks and playlists.
Undo playlist and tracks deletes or edits.
Import tags for your tracks from a CSV file.Read more
More easily use Lexicon on multiple computers with the same music.Read more
Music Player
Play music directly from your DJ playlists.
Queue tracks or entire playlists in the music player.Read more
Add cue and loops to your tracks.Read more
Turn loops into active loops that engage automatically.Read more
Set and modify beatgrids with many options.Read more
Beat jump through your tracks as you play or edit them.Read more
Add hotkeys to the music player, even system wide so they work at any time.Read more
Create cue point templates so you can add the same cues to tracks very quickly.Read more
Instantly apply many cues to a track based on the drop and breakdown you set.Read more
Click a preview to instantly play it and see your cues on all your tracks.
Automatically add cue points to your tracks.Read more
Analyze your tracks and add BPM and beatgrid information.
Analyze your tracks and add key information.
Automatically add genre, year, label, energy, happiness, danceabily and popularity to your tracks.Read more
Automatically add missing album art to your tracks.Read more
Discover new tracks based on your own tracks or playlists.Read more
Find tracks in your library based on a text, Spotify or Tidal list.Read more
Keep up with Beatport, iTunes, Billboard and Shazam local charts and instantly see which tracks you are missing.Read more
Find links to music stores where you can purchase tracks.Read more
Find tracks in your own library that are perfect to mix or create new mixable playlists.Read more
See statistics of your library
Finds tracks without artist and extracts the artist from the title.Read more
Fixes track titles that are prefixed with a number.Read more
Fixes track titles with all uppercase or all lowercase.Read more
Fixes track titles so that unwanted characters are removed.Read more
Replaces specified characters in track titles with a space.Read more
Removes URLs from track titles.Read more
Replaces encoded characters with the actual character.Read more
Extracts the remixer from a track title.Read more
Adds parenthesis around the (re)mix portion of a track title.Read more
Several fixes that remove common text problems like key in front of the track title.Read more
Clean up and consolidate your genres very quickly.Read more
Clean up and consolidate your artists very quickly.Read more
Health Scans
Find and archive or delete duplicate tracks without breaking your playlists.Read more
Fix references to your missing tracks so they work again.Read more
Find missing or corrupt tracks in your library.Read more
Find files on your computer that are not in your library.Read more
Find tracks that don't occur in any playlist. Or that occur any number of times.Read more
Playlist Tools
Merge any number of playlists into a new playlist.Read more
Prefix a text or increasing number to any number of playlists.Read more
Sort any number of playlists by name or track amount.Read more
Cross reference multiple playlists to find tracks in all or none of them.Read more
Shuffle tracks inside a playlist.Read more
Exporting & Sharing
Save playlist as CSV file, usable in Excel.Read more
Save playlist as M3U8 playlist file, usable by all music apps.Read more
Save playlist to printer friendly HTML.Read more
Instantly copy and paste tracks in shareable social media format.Read more
Automatically match your tracks with Spotify and save it as a Spotify playlist.Read more
Third Party Integrations
Browse Beatport, follow artists/labels and add streaming tracks to your library.
Play full SoundCloud streaming tracks in your library.
Control Lexicon from your Stream Deck.
For those using Lexicon outside.
Developer Tools
Connect your app to Lexicon through the local API.Read more
Create completely custom plugins with Javascript.Read more