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Lexicon Manual

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Mixable Tracks

You can find Mixable Tracks by right clicking tracks ➡ Use ➡ Find mixable tracks

The Mixable Tracks feature is the successor of Similar Tracks in Rekordcloud. With this feature you can choose any track and Lexicon will give you a list of tracks that are mixable with the chosen track. The better organized your library, the more powerful this feature will become.


You can open the popup by right clicking any track and choosing Use ➡ Find mixable tracks.

This will present you with a popup with a some basic settings. By default, Lexicon only takes key and BPM into consideration. This can already give you some interesting mixable tracks.

The real power comes when you start using the mix rules where you can choose exactly what the resulting tracks should look like.

Next track

Mixable Tracks can be used during a performance. Once you find the track you want to mix, play it on your favorite DJ app while also selecting it in Lexicon. Click the Use as next track button to generate a new list based on that track. Keep doing that while you're mixing and Lexicon stays with you.


This feature becomes much more powerful with a well organized library. Adding proper tags, ratings, colors, genres or danceability will help tremendously here.

For best results, try to create a good organizational system. For example, you might use rating to indicate how mellow or aggressive a track is. This way, you can use the rating mix rule and only get a certain type of track. The same goes for other mix rules, like color, genre, danceability, energy and popularity. For most control, you can consider using custom tags to define every aspect of a track.


By default, Lexicon only shows the basic options that should work for most libraries since BPM and Key is usually known. When you switch to advanced options, you will get far more choice.

Option Explanation
BPM range The allowed BPM difference
Match key Match the current key or up/down one by harmonic mixing
Match color Match the current color exactly
Recently added When the track was added to Lexicon
Must have cue points Only consider tracks that have cue points
Include half/double BPM Include tracks that are half or double the input track BPM
Genre(s) Only consider tracks with one of these genres
Year Only consider tracks that match the input track year or fall within the given range
Energy Only consider tracks that match the input track energy by one difference or fall within the given range
Popularity Only consider tracks that match the input track popularity by one difference or fall within the given range
Rating Only consider tracks that match the input track rating by one difference or fall within the given range
Danceability Only consider tracks that match the input track danceability by one difference or fall within the given range
Happiness Only consider tracks that match the input track happiness by one difference or fall within the given range
Must have tag Only consider tracks that have one of the these custom tags
Must not have tag Tracks with any of these custom tags will not be considered


You can save your settings to a template so you can re-use it later.