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Find Lost Tracks / Relocate

You can relocate tracks by right clicking them or use Find Lost Tracks from the top menu bar under Utility

If you've moved files around or changed a folder name, your tracks will appear as missing. This can also happen if the volume name or drive letter changed, something that Windows and macOS sometimes do.

Lexicon solves this very common problem very effectively.

There are two ways to relocate your tracks. If you don't mind getting your hands dirty and know exactly what you are doing, the Find Lost Tracks utility is the more powerful but more difficult way. The easy way is to simply right click your missing tracks.

Easy: right click missing tracks

If a track is missing it will have an orange triangle next to it in the track browser. Right click it and you will notice the Relocate option.

One track

If you have selected one missing track, then Lexicon will allow you to relocate to any track of your choosing. If the chosen track already exists in Lexicon, then you can choose which you want to keep. The other track will be removed from Lexicon and replaced in all your playlists by the chosen track, so it won't break your playlists.

This also allows you to relocate a single streaming track to a file of your choice. See Transfer Streaming To Local for more information.

Multiple tracks

If you have selected multiple missing tracks, then Lexicon will let you choose a folder on your hard drive. Lexicon will search it for any matching filenames and automatically relocate those.

Advanced: Find Lost Tracks utility

For advanced users, you can use the Find Lost Tracks utility.

You have to select a source and target folder that will be updated for all tracks that match that folder.

You can choose if you only want to apply this to missing tracks to all tracks, regardless if they are missing or not.

Find Lost Tracks is great if you know exactly what changed, for example if a drive letter changed. You'll know exactly what happened and there is nothing automatic going on.

You can only relocate to track locations that don't exist in Lexicon yet.

Changing file extension

You can select a new file extension. You should only use this if you changed from one filetype to another. For example, if you changed from WAV to MP3 and deleted the original WAV files, they will be missing in Lexicon. Set the new extension to MP3 and you can easily relocate them to the new MP3 locations.


You can let Lexicon automatically create a backup before changing your track locations. This is always recommended. If the tracks work as expected afterwards, you can delete the backup.

List missing files

To see all your missing files in the track browser, you can create a smartlist with the Is file missing rule.

If you've moved/renamed/deleted files outside Lexicon, you can restart Lexicon to force it to re-check if your files exist. Or if you open the Edit popup for a track, it will also force a re-check. Lexicon will re-check automatically every 5 minutes at most.