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‟Seriously powerful”

Lexicon Manual

The place to learn everything about Lexicon. Be sure to read about the Lexicon workflow.


You can enable the Beatport integration in the Lexicon settings under Integrations. After that, you can find it in the sidebar.

Catalog & Filters

You can browse and search the entire Beatport catalog. Filters can be set up in the filter panel on the right so you can browse genres, subgenres or even by label or artist. Filters can be saved by typing a filter name at the bottom of the filter panel and saving it. The last used saved filter will be used by default.

Drill Down

You can drill down into any artist, label or album by selecting a track and then clicking the small zoom/magnify icon next to the artist, label or album name.


Artists & labels can be followed and will appear in the special gold color anywhere in the Beatport integration. You can follow artists & labels by right clicking them or by enabling the follow toggle button on the artist or label detail page.

Once you follow an artist or label, they will appear in the Top and Charts tabs so you can quickly check their charts.

My Cart

Any track can be added to your cart by clicking the cart icon on the right.

To purchase the tracks in your cart, go to the My Cart tab and click the button to go the Beatport website. Once logged in, you will be in the Lexicon cart and you can proceed to purchase the tracks there. Lexicon will ask if you want to empty the cart once you return to Lexicon.

Downloaded Tracks

After purchasing and downloading tracks, you will probably want to add them to Lexicon. Lexicon is smart and has a nice trick here for you: Any purchased track from Beatport you drag into Lexicon will automatically replace the same Beatport streaming tracks in your playlists.

This means you can get a really great workflow by building playlists with streaming tracks, even when you can only preview them. Once you've purchased and downloaded from the Beatport website, drag the purchased tracks into Lexicon and all your playlists will automatically update using the local files on your hard drive!

For WAV files this will only work if you keep the original filename that has the track ID in it.

Keep in mind you do need to be logged into the Beatport integration in Lexicon for this to work.

You can quickly search Beatport from anywhere by using the Lexicon Find popup. You can reach it from the top menu bar ➡ Edit ➡ Find. The defauilt hotkey is Cmd or Ctrl + F.


There are several configurable hotkeys available in the Lexicon settings. You can show any available hotkey by turning on the Show Keyboard Shortcuts setting.

There are other non-configurable hotkeys available, depending on which Beatport page you are:

Backspace: always goes back to the previous screen

Enter: loads the currently selected tracks into the music player

Cmd or Ctrl + Right Arrow: goes to the next page of tracks

Cmd or Ctrl + Left Arrow: goes to the previous page of tracks

T: on artist or label page, show Top 10 for this artist or label

R: on artist or label page, show release for this artist or label

A: on artist or label page, show all tracks for this artist or label

C: on artist or label page, show charts for this artist or label