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DJ Library Conversion

Converting your DJ library between the big DJ apps

Written by: Christiaan Maks
Apr 17th 2022

To be prepared as a DJ, you need to know about DJ library conversion. In this blog post, I'll explain what library conversion is and why it is important.

What is DJ library conversion?

With DJ library conversion, I am talking about transferring your entire DJ library from one DJ software to another. For example, your library is in Rekordbox but you want it in Serato. Enter library conversion.

Lexicon supports the "big 5": Rekordbox, Serato, Engine DJ, Traktor and VirtualDJ. You can convert between any of these and all your data like tracks, (smart) playlists, tags, cues, loops, colors and anything else will be kept. 

iTunes (Apple Music) is also supported, so you can import your tracks and playlists from iTunes or sync your Lexicon library back to it.


You might ask; "Why convert my library? I don't want to use anything else and my library is perfectly tagged in here."

You're absolutely right, but being prepared is not just about library organization and tagging. You need to prepare for any situation. Sometimes you will find yourself standing next to a Serato laptop with a Rekordbox USB. Or maybe there is no room for your Pioneer controller when there is a pair of Denon SC6000's available.

This is where library conversion can save the day. You can always carry one (or several!) backup USB drives for different DJ apps. Maybe you are a Serato DJ, but carrying a Pioneer CDJ USB drive can be priceless.

What is converted?

Lexicon converts everything that can be converted. All your playlists, tracks, cue points, loops are all accurately converted to any other DJ app.

Streaming tracks from Beatport LINK, Beatsource LINK, Tidal and SoundCloud GO are also converted, just like normal tracks.

Smart playlists are converted as much as possible. Not every DJ app has every smart playlist rule. If the same rules exists, then the smart playlist can be accurately converted. When a DJ app does not support a required smart playlist rule, then the smart playlist is automatically converted to a normal playlist so you still have the same tracks that you would expect.

Another cool thing is that this also means that Denon users can now have smart playlists even though Engine DJ does not support those (yet). Just create them in Lexicon and sync to Engine DJ and that effectively gives you smart playlists in Engine DJ, but you manage them in Lexicon.

What can't be converted?

There are some things that can't be converted because the other DJ apps simply do not support everything, for example the Rekordbox MyTags or the Lexicon Energy, Danceability, Popularity or Happiness fields.

This is where Field Mappings come into play.

With Field Mappings, you can instruct Lexicon to send data that a DJ app does not support into a field of your choice. For example, you could set up a field mapping that looks like this: Energy -> Comment which will turn out as Energy 05 in the comment field of your chosen DJ app. You can also combine fields, for example: Popularity & Danceability -> Comment which will turn into Pop 09, Dance 07.

Rekordbox MyTags (and the custom tags from Lexicon) work the same way with Field Mappings. If your track has two tags Vocals & House, and you set up a field mapping to the comment field, your track will get a comment field that looks like this: #Vocals #House. This is the hashtag system for tagging and lets you search easily in any DJ app.

Bonus: merging libraries

A bonus of the new Lexicon is that you can now easily merge multiple libraries, even from different DJ apps, into one library.

All you have to do to merge libraries is import a second time while keeping the Merge option enabled. All your new tracks and playlists are added to your existing library and any existing tracks and playlists are updated.

It's good to be prepared

The most important advice I can give you here is to always carry a backup. Not only a backup of your normal USB or external drive, but also a USB drive for another DJ app. This is especially true if your main DJ app is not the most used DJ app in your area. Having a Serato or Rekordbox backup on you at all times is a great idea!

Use Lexicon to convert your library at any time. Consider using Lexicon as a central library manager, especially if your current main library is managed in iTunes. The upgrade in features specifically for a DJ is immense.

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